[VCBStudio] KON! 轻音少女 けいおん! 10bit 1080p AVC BDRip [S2+MOVIE+LIVE Reseed Fin]


轻音少女 / K-ON! / けいおん! S2 + MOVIE + LIVE BDRip 10-bit 1080p AVC + FLAC + AAC,MKV 格式。每话约 800 MB。本次 reseed 包含了轻音第二季,剧场版和 LIVE,第一季不做是因为 Henshin 有做,效果就算放在今天来看依然非常优秀,所以就偷懒了。编码和封装方面采用了 10-bit 1080p 编码,MKV 封装,原盘音轨全部以无损 FLAC 收录,Menu 则是附上截图和 BGM。满打满算一集基本上 1GB 左右;考虑到不是任何人都需要两个评论音轨,和原盘庞大的 PGS 字幕,除了正片和主音轨之外,全部采用外挂。This reseed includes K-ON! 2nd season, movie and live, for 1st season please refer to Henshin’s rip as they did a great job there. Files were encoded with 10-bit 1080p MKV parameter. The original soundtracks are embedded in FLAC format and Menu also includes screenshots and BGM. Overall it’s about 1GB per episode. Considering that not everyone needs two commentary tracks and PGS, we left everything else out of the MKV file except the main video and soundtrack. 本资源扫图格式为 WebP,详情参见种子内 readme about WebP.txt Please refer to “readme about WebP.txt” if you have trouble viewing WebP images.

重发修正:整体上的修正:1. 视频以最新标准命名2. png 图像转 webp 并添加 Readme about WebP.txt3. 对 CD 进行重命名,使用 CUETools 修正了偏移和 cue 文件,添加 cover,将所有 tak 音轨转为 flac 保证兼容性K-ON! Live Event LET’S GO! 修正:1. 外挂音轨封装为mkaK-ON! The Movie 修正:1. 主视频文件封入 PGS 字幕2. 外挂音轨合并,封装为一个 mka3. IV 音轨转 aac 并更改音轨/视频轨语言4. 修正了所有视频轨语言5. 添加 US BDBOX Menu 文件K-ON!! 修正:1. 原盘图形字幕全部内封2. Scans文件夹结构重新组织3. 补上 SP 15-18 的字幕Reseed comment:In general:1. Re-named video files with the latest standards2. Converted png pictures to webp and added Readme about WebP.txt3. Re-named CDs, used CUETools to fix cue files, added covers, converted all tak soundtrack to flac to ensure compatibility For K-ON! Live Event LET’S GO!:1. Embedded extra soundtracks into mka formatFor K-ON! The Movie:1. Embedded PGS into main video files2. Consolidated extra soundtracks into one mka file3. Converted IV soundtracks to aac, changed audio/video track languages4. Fixed all video track languages5. Added US BDBOX MenuFor K-ON!!:1. Embedded all .sub subtitles in main videos 2. Rearranged the structure of Scans folder3. Added subtitles for SP 15-18

这份发布来自 VCB-Studio 每月老番重发计划。 我们计划在每月月中和月末,重发 VCB-Studio 曾经发布过的合集。选择的合集有这些特点: 1. 发布已久,公网已经或者几乎断种; 2. 存在制作错误或疏漏,尤其当存在补丁包修正; 3. 之前的发布为分卷或分季,适合补充一个系列合集。 2019 年 08 月,月中

基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)

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